An individual may be unable to appreciate physical assistance until they need one. For those under our home health care in Stafford, Texas, physical support is provided in various ways to serve the patient.
We are proud to be able to provide solutions such as home nursing care in Beaumont, Texas to our patients and their families. Through our private duty services, we provide physical assistance with caution, confidentiality, and comfort.
Moving around the house can get difficult, painful, or sometimes dangerous for a loved one. Let us help them move from their bed to the wheelchair. We provide varying levels of support from casual observation to full assistance. We respect their choices.
We make sure their trip up and down the stairs are as safe and less exhausting as possible. The risks of falls and injury increase as the body starts to deteriorate. Weak bones and muscles together with poor vision are an unfortunate combination of risk factors.
We are right on their side as they use their walker or canes – ready to jump in any emergency while giving them enough space. Our support shows care and caution – one that balances the patient’s yearning for freedom and their safety.
Meet the healthcare professionals in Texas who take charge of your care plan – the exceptional team behind St. Agnes Healthcare Professionals, Inc.