The Health Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors
As people age, our physical health naturally declines, which puts older adults at risk of falls that could cause serious injuries. Physical therapy could help seniors improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Aside from maintaining...
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Personal Care: Soft Skills That Matter
When your senior loved one needs personal care, you don't just hire anyone to do the job. You have to hire healthcare professionals in Texas to ensure that your loved one is receiving the level of care they deserve. One of the factors to...
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Caregiver’s Tips for Proper Senior Bathing
Maintaining proper hygiene is definitely one of the biggest challenges those professionals providing home health care in Stafford, Texas face. If you are caring for an elderly parent, here are some of the best caregiver's tips you can follow to...
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The Benefits of Hiring a Skilled Nurse for Seniors
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, the governing bodies advise seniors to stay indoors and reschedule doctor’s visits. These are some of the protective measures seniors need to follow to reduce their risk of getting the...
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Proper Wound Care for Faster Healing
Having a wound requires a lot of care and attention so that it won’t lead to infection. Proper wound care is essential, especially to seniors since they are much prone to infections and bacteria due to their declining immune system. With...
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Social Distance, Not Isolation
In these trying times, everyone is encouraged to stay home and keep a social distance. Especially those with pre-existing conditions so they may protect themselves from the coronavirus. This is also to help prevent the spread of the virus....
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